Ecovadis Sustainability Rating 2023

Ecovadis Blog

Ecovadis Sustainability Rating 2023

Ecovadis sustainability

LLFlex is proud to be recognized in the 76th percentile of companies participating in the EcoVadis sustainability assessment system. The Bronze rating was secured with a 20% improvement since the last assessment in 2021 with the score advanced in all areas, demonstrating our commitment to sustainable practices and systems.

Many LLFlex’s customers across all of our key market segments are now using EcoVadi ratings as a means to qualify suppliers and measure their improvement. Tom Bowden–CEO commented

“Now more than ever, we owe a duty of care to our employees, local communities and customers to ensure we operate in a manner which minimises our impact upon our environment. We are committed to ensuring the wellbeing of those involved in our global supply-chain and all of our employees worldwide. The new EcoVadis rating is a great endorsement of our Sustainability program and motivates us to carry on and achieve even greater success moving forward.”